“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within”.

Maya Angelou

Finding ease in the mind, body, and spirit.


As an energy healing practitioner and coach, I accompany families to become happier and healthier, through gentle, yet powerful healing and science-based techniques from the fields of energy medicine and energy psychology.

I offer individual in-person or distance sessions, as well as workshops, to adults, children and teenagers alike.

Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT (Tapping)

 EFT, commonly known as Tapping, is essentially a self-empowerment tool and a stress management technique that incorporates light tapping with your fingers on acupuncture points (acupoints), while addressing a particular issue that may be causing some level of physical, mental, or emotional distress. It draws from the ancient meridian system of acupuncture, exposure therapy, cognitive reframing and other time-honored approaches to healing, and it is the number one tool used in the field of energy psychology for its effectiveness and brevity.


Extensive research has found that EFT lowers the major stress hormone, cortisol, significantly, in just a few minutes and it is extremely effective in reducing pain, dealing with anxiety and stress, depression, PTSD, as well as treating trauma. EFT helps calm the nervous system which is conducive to self-emotional regulation and healing.

Accompanying Parents

I’m passionate about these energy tools that I have experienced firsthand in my own life. I know that transformation of our perceived challenges as parents comes when we incorporate these to our daily life. If you would like to explore the benefits of energy healing and energy psychology, here are some offerings:

Energy toolbox for parents: Learn EFT, breath work, heart coherence, and eco meditation to release stress, ground yourself and become a happier and more present parent to your children)(3 sessions, customizable experience).


Future mom bundle of love: 2 Reiki sessions + 1 EFT session in preparation to give birth.


New mom bundle of joy: 2 Reiki sessions – 1 together with newborn baby + 1 EFT session post-partum.


Tapping circle for parents: monthly online group session to tap away parenting challenges, and gain confidence in your sacred task as a mom and dad).


Tapping circle for children and teenagers: Learn how to use EFT with your children to tap away fears, nightmares, school anxiety and any other stressor.


Individual Reiki, EFT and Art Therapy:sessions for children, teenagers and adults.

Healing Art

Art has always been an integral part of my life, be it singing, dancing, sculpting or painting. It has always been my go-to place to reconnect with my inner being. I love art as a creative healing process and it’s a way for me to express my inner world on a canvas. The integration of art as a meditative practice, combining it with breath work and heart coherence methods is very transformative. I offer creative healing workshops for small groups as well as individual art therapy sessions for adults and children. 

You may also book an individual art therapy session here.